eDOT technologies for medication adherence ensuring better health outcomes

When you visit a clinic or a hospital, the directions are pretty basic. The doctor diagnoses your health condition and gives the medical prescription that you need to follow. For instance, take one tablet a day for “n” number of days.
It’s that simple!
For eons, the providers thought that patients were following these instructions. After all, you can’t keep following your patients around. Keeping an eye on when they are at is simply out of the question. That’s how medication adherence comes into existence. In fact, as per the WHO, it is something related to a person’s behavior concerning the recommendations made by a healthcare provider.
But did you know that patients stop taking medications the moment they think their health is improving? Medication non-adherence or non-compliance is a big problem. In fact, it results in around 10% hospitalizations and approximately a million deaths annually in the US alone. It could cost hundreds of billions of dollars from complications and hospitalizations.
However, things are changing now!
With the rise of new technologies, the chances are increasing of improving medication adherence. Also, since the pandemic brought so many hurdles, these technological solutions are becoming a savior. One such digital technology that’s particularly becoming the talk of the town is “electronic directly observed therapy or eDOT technology.”
Of course, it might feel a bit time-consuming or resource-intensive. But on the other hand, it is also pretty much flexible for patients and providers alike. But what is it exactly? Let’s find out now!
eDOT Technology: Decoding its Facts
Among the other options, eDOT is a part of the digital evolution currently underway in this industry. This therapy provides healthcare providers a chance to ensure that their patients take their recommended medications properly virtually. Not only is it helping in saving time and resources in terms of further hospitalizations, but it also is improving the rate of health outcomes.
But how do they do it?
The use of smartphones is pretty standard, isn’t it? The same device is paving the way for eDOT technology—the treatment programs for TB, diabetes, or transplant patients. In short, it helps providers take good care of patients in terms of medication compliance.
So, how does that happen?
Ideally, the clinician and patient set a time for a meeting virtually where the clinicians watch the patient taking the medication in “real-time.” Plus, they use this technology even to ask their patients to see “how are they feeling?” or If the medication is suitable.
What Technologies are Helpful in Administering eDOT?
There are many options available to do it. Some patients use their devices if the technology is compatible. But depending on the resources, one can use the following communication devices:
- Tablet
- Computer with a webcam
- Smartphone
One has to install an eDOT platform that aligns with their healthcare provider. Using this platform, all the medication adherence meetings are scheduled. This helps healthcare providers get in touch with the patient and ask about their experiences or side effects. Not only does it help keep a check on patients, but it also helps build a rapport with the patient.
The patient can also record the video and send it to the healthcare provider if the timing does not align with the provider.
Is that all? Keep reading, and you’ll find more about the advantages of eDOT technologies!
eDOT Technologies: The Benefits
As per the CEO of one of the widely used eDOT platforms, emocha Health, patients are quite happy and comfortable with video-based care for tracking their medication. They suggest that a bit of help can help increase medication adherence rates, further reducing healthcare costs.
The benefits are many. For instance, they are getting personalized feedback about their medication, the technique, or tips for doing it in a better way. In other words, patients who cannot internalize everything when they see a doctor are easily replaced with human interaction that resolves most problems.
The same platform helps change or adjust certain habits associated with medication. For instance, taking medication with food to avoid any side effects. Plus, they can provide daily coaching or training for a plethora of things.
For instance, some eDOT platform users confirmed that it was pretty effective for training a child to use their inhalers to manage asthma. Kids often need additional reinforcement, and this technology helps them quite quickly.
What else?
A healthcare provider works hard to teach these things. But families often struggle remembering such complex procedures in their everyday life. More than that, they struggle with the technique sometimes. To be able to get feedback and consult from the comfort of home is quite fascinating.
This technology is quite helpful in making patients understand medication adherence and help them teach medicine scheduling and so much more. But how can a provider train its staff for this technology?
- Before any eDOT visit, the provider must check the patient information like medications, notes, appointment date, and other things.
- Schedule a meeting with the patient. Contact the patient at that time.
- Ask the patient about adverse reactions, concerns, and advise the patient to seek medical care if necessary.
- Confirm from the patients about their medications using verbal and visual pill count. Observe them ingest the medication using visual inspection.
- Ask them to call the provider in case they experience any adverse reactions.
Final Takeaways- Technology is Evolving Medication Adherence Strategies
eDOT technology is helping patients and healthcare providers, especially in medication adherence. However, a lot needs to be done before accepting it as one of the measures for after-care.
You need to consider the following elements before starting the actual process:
- Is the technology used by the provider HIPAA compliant?
- What type of communication device will help reach the masses?
- How much will it cost for the program?
- How much are the annual costs?
- Do you need any licensing?
- What are its IT requirements?
- What’s the ease of this eDOT software?
The aim must be to decrease non-adherence that often results in increased hospitalizations and complications. That’s the only way to improve health outcomes.